WarraniumMBBR - Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor
The treatment of sewage has advanced greatly in terms of
quality. With the Moving Bed Bioreactor (MBBR) an
economical and effective biological solution is offered for
wastewater treatment based on a combination of conventional
activated sludge process and biofilm media.
Moving Bed Bioreactor (MBBR) makes it possible to attain
good efficiency results of disposal with low energy
consumption. This process is used for the removal of organic
substances, nitrification and denitrification from the
MBBR technology includes thousands of polyethene biofilm
carriers operating in mixed motion within an aerated
wastewater treatment basin. These media carriers provide
increased surface area for optimal contact water, air and
bacteria for the biological microorganisms to attach and grow
and the bacteria break down the organic matter from the
wastewater. The treatment process can be aerobic and/or
anaerobic and operates at high volume loads.
The system can consist of one stage or more stage system,
depending on the specific demands and design of the plants.
The specific live bacteria remain in their own duty tank
because of the fact that the carriers remain in only one tank,
protected by screens.
With the application of MBBR, we offer various advanced
treatment solutions for commercial and industrial wastewater.
Warranium Energy’ advanced solutions for wastewater
treatment significantly increase the capacity and productivity
of existing plants, while minimising the size of new plant