WarraniumCT - Extended Aeration

The WarraniumCT is a biological treatment plant based on extended aeration. The CT stands for Constant Transfer.

All wastewater treatment plants receive varying flow rates, generally in several peaks during the day and the night time flows being low. The plant design for the efficient process must cater to these peaks which may be 03 - 06 times the average flow rate. This means much of the plant has to be designed for the peak flow rather than the average flow, meaning bigger aeration tanks and bigger settlement tanks. By fixing the flow rate between the aeration tank and the settlement tank, it means the settlement tank can be designed and sized on the fixed flow rate - or the Constant Transfer Rate, the CTR. If the CTR is set at a little over the average flow rate, then the size of the settlement tank becomes smaller and more economical.

Warranium Energy located their screens as part of the Constant Transfer Unit. In this way, the screenings collected are washed and biologically scrubbed in the aeration tank. The screenings are in a more acceptable state for handling and disposal. By using a fixed Constant Transfer Rate (CTR), at times of low inflow to the treatment plant, the aeration tank water level will fall, creating a huge capacity for the next peak inflow. By careful and economical design, the aeration tank can become a very effective "balancing tank”.

The WarraniumCT extended aeration process is a well proven, remarkably simple, stable and robust. The WarraniumCT can be shipped in complete knock-down form and quickly erected on the simplest of foundations. The capacities are from 100 m³ per day upwards to municipal sized plants.

The WarraniumCT is also used for industrial wastewater. Examples include food processing and agriculture.

WarraniumCT can be installed above or below ground, using prefabricated steel tanks or locally build concrete tanks.