Over the past years, Warranium Energy has continuously pioneered new technologies and solutions that have allowed us, together with our customers to bring reliable water and energy solutions.
Warranium Energy maintaining the operation of the Wastewater
Treatment Plant for commercial and industrial. Warranium
Energy has successfully performed the operations in an
extremely stable manner while continuously expanding the
scope, functionality, and complexity of the system.
See below for some achievements about Warranium Energy and
details on the initiatives that have been completed since go-live
and those that are in progress.
Key achievements since Warranium Energy go-live:
- Maintained 24x7x365 uptime for operations and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants and solar energy plants.
- Met and/or exceeded all service level agreements.
- Achieved zero effluent discharge through a focus of quality.
- delivery and careful release planning.
- Performed seamless conversion and migration of encounters to the operating system of the treatment plant.
- Successfully completed calendar year-end processing.
- Successfully completed fiscal year-end processing.
- Completed various operational initiatives, including integration, MIS eligibility consolidation, and MIS eligibility integration which were released as operational enhancements.
- Upgraded all electro-mechanical equipment of wastewater treatment plant for better compatibility.
- Implemented process in the development and tested successfully to protect the environments.
- Providing technically advanced water treatment chemicals at an economical cost, which have been scientifically formulated to improve the operation and maintenance of wide range of industrial system like Boiler, Cooling Tower, STP/ETP and Reverse Osmosis (RO) to various industries like dairies, food, sugar mills, textiles, automobiles and many more.