Plant Commissioning
Warranium Energy can help you with:
- On-Site Clean Water Testing and Treatment
- Process Commissioning and Performance Proving
- Operation and Maintenance Manual
- Engineers Certificate
- Commissioning Report
Treatment plants are commissioned to test the specifications
and Pollution Control Board Standards. To achieve the most
predictable and stable operation we bring the plant on-line at a
steady and controlled rate and maintained the standard
Through the commissioning of your new plant, we can find and
resolve many of the faults inherent in any new plant before
handover to your operations team.
This ensures plant operators can focus on running their
treatment plant rather than using their valuable time for
repairing faults in the system.
Warranium Energy can commission its own designs or
independently commission other supplier’s designs and
One of our team will be present throughout the commissioning
period to oversee all operations and completion of training of
your crew.