
Various filtration methods from Warranium Energy are used for the physical, mechanical and biological separation of solids from treated water. Filtration takes place after the clarification stage as an additional treatment step to remove any remaining suspended particles and unsettled floc to ensure safe water.

These filtration methods are used in the treatment of industrial effluent, process water, municipal wastewater and drinking water, as well as in water reuse applications. They are also used as pre-treatment steps to membrane filtration processes and desalination of seawater. In addition to the array of regular filtration products and technologies such as screening; sand filtration, gravity filtration, activated carbon filtration and membrane separation utilised in its water treatment processes, Warranium Energy also makes use of reverse osmosis (RO).

RO is a filtration method used to separate molecules and ions from water and is generally used to produce potable, ultra-pure and process water. High-quality reverse osmosis (RO) membranes are constructed by Warranium Energy specifically for this type of filtration, and they can be used in Warranium Energy package plants for portable water treatment and wastewater treatment.